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Risk Management

As an international oil, gas, and chemicals company with operations extending from hydrocarbon exploration and production through to the trading and marketing of mineral oil products, chemical products, and natural gas, OMV is exposed to a variety of risks – including market and financial risks, operational risks, and strategic risks. The Group’s risk management processes focus on the identification, assessment, and evaluation of such risks and their impact on the Group’s financial stability and profitability. The objective of these activities is to actively manage risks in the context of the Group’s risk appetite and defined risk tolerance levels in order to achieve OMV’s long-term strategic goals.

For further details on risk management and the use of financial instruments, please refer to Note 30 of the Consolidated Financial Statements.

For further details on climate change-related risks and their management, see the OMV Sustainability Report, as well as Note 2 of the Consolidated Financial Statements.

For further details on health, safety, security, and environmental risks, please refer to the chapter Health, Safety, Security, and Environment in the Directors’ Report.

Health, Safety, Security, and Environment
United Arab Emirates
Terawatt hour