2030 strategic priorities
- Deliver a clean CCS Operating Result of at least EUR 6 bn by 2030
- Generate operating cash flow excluding net working capital effects of EUR ≥7 bn by 2030
- Target a ROACE of ≥12% in the mid and long-term
- Ensure sound capital allocation priorities: organic CAPEX, dividend, inorganic growth, deleveraging and special dividends*Depending on OMV’s leverage ratio, the order between inorganic growth and deleveraging can reverse.
- Maintain strong balance sheet, with a mid/long-term leverage ratio below 30%
- When the leverage ratio is below 30%, distribute around 20% to 30% of operating cash flow (including net working capital effects) per year to its shareholders through its regular dividend, as a priority, and additionally, if sufficient funds are available, through special dividends
- Commit to attractive shareholder distributions
The Group’s financial strategy aims to increase the Company’s value and shareholder return, while ensuring a robust balance sheet, along with a financially resilient portfolio that thrives in a low-carbon world and has attractive growth potential well into the future. The value-driven finance strategy operates according to a clear framework for enabling long-term profitable and resilient growth. It aims to achieve a ROACE of at least 12%, positive free cash flow after dividends, and a strong balance sheet, with a mid/long-term leverage ratio of below 30%. Further targets include a clean CCS Operating Result of at least EUR 5 bn by 2025 and EUR 6 bn by 2030, increasing clean CCS net income attributable to shareholders, operating cash flow excluding net working capital of around EUR 6 bn by 2025 and at least EUR 7 bn by 2030, and attractive shareholder distributions. When building its financial plan, OMV defined a sound capital allocation policy: first, investing in its organic portfolio; second, paying attractive dividends; third, pursuing inorganic spending for an accelerated transformation; fourth, deleveraging; and fifth, special dividends. In its capital allocation, the Group focuses on selecting the most competitive and resilient projects. The defined investment criteria include hurdle rates and payback periods by business reflecting respective risk and return profiles, as well as testing projects for their resilience and break-even versus relevant market KPIs.
To achieve its strategic goal, OMV is planning a yearly organic CAPEX of around EUR 3.5 bn for the period 2022–2030. Overall, the Group is allocating more than EUR 13 bn in this period to achieve its ambitious decarbonization targets, which represents around 40% of total organic CAPEX. In addition, OMV will consider inorganic growth in areas of strategic importance. However, this will depend on the Group’s indebtedness headroom. Moreover, the Group’s portfolio of assets can provide options through divestments to accelerate strategy execution when attractive acquisition targets in targeted growth areas become available.
The Group’s strategy, supported by disciplined capital allocation, will enable OMV to generate increasing and resilient cash flows and higher earnings. These solid financials ensure a strong balance sheet for the Group. In its financial framework, OMV has made a significant commitment to ensuring a robust balance sheet and an investment-grade credit rating. The Company aims to achieve a leverage ratio of below 30% for the mid and long term. Depending on portfolio measures, the leverage ratio can exceed 30%; however, this will then be followed by a deleveraging program to ensure the balance sheet is strengthened.
OMV seeks to align its long-term funding policy with the Company’s sustainability strategy. Therefore, OMV is assessing the opportunity of green and sustainability-linked funding, which links the cost of a financing instrument to the achievement of specific strategic sustainability targets, such as GHG emission reduction goals or sustainable polyolefin production targets.
During the strategy period, OMV is committed to delivering attractive shareholder distributions. The Group has amended its shareholder distribution policy in December 2022 and added special dividends as a new, additional instrument to the existing progressive dividend policy. The progressive regular dividend policy is maintained and unaffected by this amendment. When OMV’s leverage ratio is below 30%, OMV aims to distribute approximately 20% to 30% of the OMV Group’s operating cash flow (including net working capital effects) per year to its shareholders through its regular dividend, as a priority, and additionally, if sufficient funds are available, through the new instrument of a special dividend. In case of a leverage ratio of 30% or higher, OMV’s progressive regular dividend will be maintained, but no special dividend shall be paid. The dividend payments in any given year are subject to specific dividend proposals by the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, as well as approved by the Annual General Meeting.
The Group clean CCS Operating Result is calculated by adding the clean CCS Operating Result of Refining & Marketing, the clean Operating Result of other segments and the reported consolidation effect adjusted for changes in valuation allowances, in case the net realizable value of the inventory is lower than its cost.