7 – Other operating income and net income from equity-accounted investments
In EUR mn |
2023 |
2022 |
Foreign exchange gains from operating activities |
200 |
298 |
Gains from the disposal of businesses, subsidiaries, tangible and intangible assets |
237 |
766 |
Residual other operating income |
305 |
579 |
Other operating income |
742 |
1,644 |
Income from equity-accounted investments |
580 |
937 |
Expenses from equity-accounted investments |
–254 |
–68 |
Net income from equity-accounted investments |
326 |
869 |
Foreign exchange gains from operating activities were mainly impacted by the development of the USD foreign exchange rate in 2023 and 2022.
Gains from the disposal of businesses, subsidiaries, tangible and intangible assets related mostly to gains from divestment of OMV’s filling station and wholesale business in Slovenia. For further details see Note 4 – Changes in Group structure.
2022 gains were mostly related to gains from the sale of the filling station business in Germany (EUR 409 mn) and gains from the Borouge PLC IPO (EUR 341 mn).
Residual other operating income decreased in 2023 in relation to compensation from the Romanian state for the sale of natural gas and electricity at capped prices as well as the elimination of the subsidies supporting voluntary price reductions for the sale of diesel and gasoline. These measures were introduced in 2022 via several Government Emergency Ordinances in order to mitigate the consequences of the energy crisis.
In addition, residual other operating income included storage income related to Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H. of EUR 42 mn (2022: EUR 34 mn). 2022 contained insurance income of around EUR 200 mn related to the incident at OMV Schwechat refinery in June 2022.
Income from equity-accounted investments was mainly impacted by the Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company and the Borouge investments. Expenses from equity-accounted investments were predominantly stemming from Bayport Polymers LLC, as well as from an impairment within Pearl Petroleum Company Limited. For further details see Note 18 – Equity-accounted investments.