26 – Statement of cash flows Index26272829303132 (XLSX:) Download Cash and cash equivalents In EUR mn 2021 2020 Cash at banks and on hand 997 741 Short-term deposits 4,067 2,128 Cash and cash equivalents 5,064 2,869 Significant non-cash items In 2021 as well as in 2020, non-cash additions to fixed assets included mainly effects related to the reassessment of decommissioning and restoration obligations. In 2020, the remeasurement of the previously held 36% at-equity share in Borealis was included in the line “Other changes” in the statement of cash flows. Cash flow from investing activities For details about the cash flow effect from divestments of subsidiaries and businesses please refer to Note 3 – Changes in group structure. The line “Proceeds in relation to non-current assets” contained a cash inflow of EUR 290 mn related to the sale of the stake in the Norwegian oil field Wisting. Cash flow from financing activities The line “Repayments of long-term borrowings” comprised the repayment of bonds totalling EUR 1.55 bn. This included the repayment of a hybrid bond in the amount of EUR 750 mn. Before repayment, the hybrid bond was reclassified from equity to financial liabilities after the Executive Board had approved on October 13, 2021 that OMV exercises the right to call the hybrid bond. (XLSX:) Download Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities (incl. liabilities associated with assets held for sale) In EUR mn 2021 Bonds Other interest-bearing debts Lease liabilities Total January 1 8,869 2,130 1,217 12,216 Increase in long-term borrowings — 250 — 250 Repayments of long-term borrowings (1,550) (563) (174) (2,287) Increase/(decrease) in short-term borrowings — 61 — 61 Total cash flows related to financing activities (1,550) (251) (174) (1,975) Currency translation differences — 48 5 53 Changes in consolidated group — (148) (6) (154) Reclassification of hybrid bond from equity to financial liabilities 789 — — 789 Difference interest expenses and interest paid (4) (15) 1 (18) Other changes — — 1491 149 Total non-cash changes 784 (114) 149 819 Coupon payment from hybrid bond before reclassification from equity2 (33) — — (33) December 31 8,070 1,765 1,191 11,026 1 Mainly related to new lease agreements 2 Shown in the line “Dividends paid to stockholders of the parent (incl. hybrid coupons)” in the Statement of Cash Flows (XLSX:) Download Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities (incl. liabilities associated with assets held for sale) In EUR mn 2020 Bonds Other interest-bearing debts Lease liabilities Total January 1 5,802 769 1,053 7,624 Increase in long-term borrowings 3,225 114 — 3,338 Repayments of long-term borrowings (500) (164) (133) (797) Increase/(decrease) in short-term borrowings — (96) — (96) Total cash flows related to financing activities 2,725 (146) (133) 2,446 Currency translation differences — (33) (7) (41) Changes in consolidated group 329 1,538 174 2,041 Difference interest expenses and interest paid 13 (2) 0 12 Other changes — 4 1301 134 Total non-cash changes 342 1,508 297 2,147 December 31 8,869 2,130 1,217 12,216 1 Mainly related to new lease agreements The total cash outflow related to lease liabilities amounted to EUR 199 mn (2020: EUR 157 mn). As of December 31, 2021, the Group had available EUR 4,415 mn of undrawn committed borrowing facilities that can be used for future activities without any restrictions (December 31, 2020: EUR 4,332 mn). Financing commitments provided to related parties are detailed in Note 35 – Related parties. Supplementary Information on the Financial Position27 – Contingent liabilities