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Consolidated Report on the Payments Made to Governments

Section 267c of the Austrian Commercial Code

Section 267c of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) requires that large undertakings and public interest entities that are active in the extractive industry or logging of primary forests prepare the following consolidated report on payments to governments. This section implements Chapter 10 of the EU Accounting Directive (2013/34/EU). The “Basis of preparation” paragraph provides information to the reader about the contents of the report. This also includes information on the type of payment for which disclosure is required and how OMV has implemented the regulations in the preparation of the report.

Vienna, March 9, 2022

The Executive Board

Alfred Stern m.p.
Chairman of the Executive Board, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Officer Chemicals & Materials

Reinhard Florey m.p.
Chief Financial Officer

Martijn van Koten m.p.
Executive Officer Refining

Johann Pleininger m.p.
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Executive Officer Exploration & Production

Elena Skvortsova m.p.
Executive Officer Marketing & Trading