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2021at a Glance


Our Strategy

OMV will transform from an integrated oil, gas, and chemicals company into a leader in innovative sustainable fuels, chemicals, and materials, leveraging opportunities in the circular economy. An integral part of the Group’s strategy is its ambition to become a net-zero emissions company by 2050 for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Strategy 2030 (icon)
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Alfred Stern, Chairman of the Executive Board, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Officer Chemicals & Materials (photo)
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The OMV of tomorrow will be an innovative company that provides people with the circular resources needed for a better life in these modern times.

Alfred SternChairman of the Executive Board
CEO Statement

Cash flow from operating activities

excl. net working capital effects

2020: EUR 2,786 mn

Gearing ratio

excluding leases

2020: 41%

Sales revenues

in EUR bn

Sales revenues 2016-2021 (bar chart)

Clean CCS Operating Result

in EUR bn

Clean CCS Operating Result 2016-2021 (bar chart)


Our Sustainability Strategy

We are committed to building a sustainable world worth living in – for everyone. Sustainability and circularity lie at the center of our Group strategy. We aim to become a net-zero business by 2050, accelerate the energy transition, and proactively expedite the transition from a linear to a circular economy.

101Different Nationalities

We know that it is the combined 22,400 employees of OMV who turn the Group’s strategy into results and success.


Projected organic capital expenditure 2022

in EUR bn

Projected capital expenditure 2022 (pie chart)

Dividend Per Share1

in EUR

Dividend Per Share 2016-2021 (bar chart)

1 2021: as proposed by the Executive Board and confirmed by the Supervisory Board, subject to confirmation by the Annual General Meeting 2022

Sales per Region in EUR mn

OMV Business Worldwide (graphic)







Rest of Europe


Rest of the world


Information on geographical areas
