9 – Other operating expenses Index5678910111213 (XLSX:) Download Other operating expenses In EUR mn 2021 2020 Foreign exchange losses from operating activities 121 135 Losses on disposals of businesses, subsidiaries, tangible and intangible assets 48 8 Losses from fair value changes of financial assets 317 (0) Net impairment losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost 9 12 Personnel reduction schemes 22 39 Research and development expenses 58 61 Residual other operating expenses 113 134 Other operating expenses 688 389 Foreign exchange losses from operating activities in 2021 and 2020 were mainly impacted by USD foreign exchange rate development. Losses on disposals of businesses, subsidiaries, tangible and intangible assets included a loss from the sale of Haramidere Depoculuk Anonim Şirketi of EUR 26 mn stemming from the reclassification of FX losses from other comprehensive income to the income statement. Losses from fair value changes of financial assets included EUR 256 mn losses related to the asset from reserves redetermination rights with respect to the acquisition of interests in the Yuzhno Russkoye field, which were triggered by reserves reassessment and partly offset by positive discounting effects. In addition, losses from the fair value changes of financial assets included EUR 61 mn losses from the reassessment of contingent consideration from the divestment of the 30% stake in Rosebank and from the divestment of OMV (U.K.) Limited resulting from a delay of expected date of final investment decision. In 2020, the Group recognized a gain from the fair value changes of financial assets of EUR 28 mn (Note 6 – Other operating income and net income from equity-accounted investments). For further details please refer to Note 18 – Financial assets. Net impairment losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost were mainly related to impairments of receivables in Tunisia amounting to EUR 9 mn (2020: EUR 9 mn). Residual other operating expenses contained expenses relating to various digitalization initiatives amounting to EUR 45 mn (2020: EUR 36 mn) as well as storage expenses related to Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H. in amount of EUR 51 mn (2020: EUR 56 mn). schließen FX Foreign exchange 8 – Exploration expenses10 – Personnel expenses