We know that it is our 25,000 employees (incl. Borealis) who turn our strategy into results and success. We are proud of the result we have achieved together. Trust and pride in the organization fuel our employees’ energy and determination to tackle challenges and to focus on innovative solutions to make us even stronger.
OMV’s People Strategy
In 2020, the COVID-19 situation required considerable additional focus from our organization’s HR function. We continue to build on our strategic priorities to unlock our organization’s full potential and to strengthen the foundation for growth and success:
- Implement a continuous listening strategy
- Increase organizational agility
- Increase focus on diversity and inclusion
- Ensure OMV remains a great place to work
Highlights of 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employment-related measures were newly implemented to not only protect the health, wellbeing, and economic situation of our employees, but also to ensure that we foster a supportive culture throughout the year. By closely monitoring the immense legislative output, we succeeded in maintaining full labor law compliance while also offering our staff new options for relief for their pandemic-induced personal situations and needs. Employees were offered various new solutions (depending on the local jurisdiction) to more flexibly combine work duties and care obligations. Work from home was made available to all staff where practically and technically feasible. The “Working From Home Guide” was created as a virtual guide with tips and tricks to improve virtual teams and the use of technology. Learning Collections were provided to enable employees to learn how to lead during crisis times, how to manage stress, and how to work virtually. Information and advice on all employee-relevant questions was provided on a permanent basis. Reliable internal processes to mirror new administrative rules were promptly implemented. Free psychological support was offered to all employees including talking to professionals to help cope with the COVID-19 situation. Due to the extensive organizational efforts and the outstanding flexibility of our employees, we were able to avoid measures like short-time work or redundancies.
Especially in 2020, we had to ensure increased communication with our employees. Part of this communication effort was a continuous listening strategy intended to improve how our organization listens to our employees to obtain their feedback as well as their input and ideas (through quick polls, Q&A and listening circles). The quick poll showed that employees feel well supported, and this resulted in an increased engagement rate. We continued to make “remaining a great place to work” our strategic priority: After all, 9 out of 10 employees recommend OMV as a workplace.
Continuing our Digital Journey, our focus last year was on stepping up global and virtual programs that are easily accessible and facilitated in-house. By switching to virtual and online training, we were able to continue these despite COVID-19 restrictions. At the end of 2020, we were proud to report that we were able to keep the participation rate as high as in 2019.
2020 |
2019 |
Austria |
3,662 |
3,579 |
Romania/rest of Europe |
10,914 |
11,317 |
Middle East and Africa |
769 |
715 |
Rest of the world |
699 |
712 |
Total |
16,044 |
16,323 |
In EUR |
2020 |
2019 |
Austria |
1,512,514 |
2,722,418 |
Romania/rest of Europe |
2,477,244 |
4,836,744 |
Middle East and Africa |
134,197 |
381,065 |
Rest of the world |
225,262 |
330,999 |
Total |
4,349,217 |
8,271,226 |
OMV and Borealis have joined forces and will continue to grow stronger together. A larger business means that a broader range of professional development opportunities are available. We focus on strategic talent exchanges between both companies, secondments and international assignments for critical projects and/or personal growth, and cross-divisional transfers for continuous career development.
Our second strategic investment entails providing career opportunities with SapuraOMV. We are proud of our partnership with SapuraOMV and our ability to offer assignments for OMV employees into SapuraOMV and vice versa, which strengthens our employees’ experience and skill sets.
We have introduced several global initiatives as part of our ongoing commitment to gender diversity at OMV. The first highlight is the launch of a new women’s leadership program, SHEnergy, focused on personal advancement and developing the leadership skills of current and future female leaders.
Secondly, we held Career Aspiration Talks to raise the visibility of women in our Company. In doing so, we aim to also strengthen our pipeline of future female leaders. These individual talks with a panel of senior managers and HR help us learn about our female employees’ career aspirations so that we in turn can support them by providing development opportunities and job recommendations.
As a result, the percentage of women in the Group (including Borealis) is about 25% (2019: 26% excluding Borealis). 20.7% (excluding Borealis; 2019: 19.6%) of employees in advanced management and executive positions are female.
Employee key figures
At the end of 2020, OMV employed 25,291 persons (including Borealis). Compared with 2019, the number of employees increased by 27.4%.
2020 |
2019 |
Employees by region |
Austria |
3,938 |
3,965 |
Romania/rest of Europe |
12,539 |
14,219 |
Middle East and Africa |
587 |
686 |
Rest of the world |
974 |
975 |
Borealis Group |
7,253 |
Total number of employees |
25,291 |
19,845 |
Diversity |
Female |
in % |
25 |
26 |
Male |
in % |
75 |
74 |
Female Senior Vice Presidents 2 |
in % |
15 |
16 |
Number of nationalities 3 |
101 |
77 |