6 – Other operating income and net income from equity-accounted investments
In EUR mn |
2020 |
2019 |
Foreign exchange gains from operating activities |
159 |
80 |
Gains from fair value changes of financial assets |
28 |
— |
Gains from fair value changes of trading inventories |
90 |
— |
Gains from fair value changes of other derivatives |
68 |
— |
Gains on the disposal of businesses, subsidiaries, tangible and intangible assets |
22 |
21 |
Residual other operating income |
1,510 |
179 |
Other operating income |
1,877 |
280 |
Income from equity-accounted investments |
250 |
392 |
Expenses from equity-accounted investments |
(212) |
(6) |
Net income from equity-accounted investments |
38 |
386 |
Foreign exchange gains from operating activities were mainly impacted in 2020 and 2019 by USD development.
Gains from fair value changes of financial assets included positive discounting effects of the asset from reserves redetermination rights related to the acquisition of interests in the Yuzhno Russkoye field. For further details see Note 18 – Financial assets.
Gains from fair value changes of trading inventories refer to emissions certificates held for trading in Downstream (Austria, Germany and Romania). For further details on Emissions certificates see Note 23 – Provisions.
Gains from fair value changes of other derivatives were related to forward contracts of emissions certificates in Downstream (Austria and Germany).
Residual other operating income contained gains from revaluation and recycling effects related to the previously held 36% interest in Borealis AG (see Note 3 – Changes in group structure) as well as storage income related to Erdöl-Lagergesellschaft m.b.H. in amount of EUR 50 mn (2019: EUR 49 mn). Furthermore, the position included an insurance compensation related to a process safety incident in Borealis cracker in Sweden in amount of EUR 41 mn.
2019 contained income related to clarification of a tax related topic in Romania in amount of EUR 14 mn.
Income from equity-accounted investments primarily contained income from the previously held 36% interest in Borealis AG amounting to EUR 172 mn (2019: EUR 314 mn).
Expenses from equity-accounted investmentswere mainly impacted by Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company. For further details see Note 16 – Equity-accounted investments.