Other Information
Information required by section 243a of the Unternehmensgesetzbuch (Austrian Commercial Code)
1. The capital stock amounts to EUR 327,272,727 and is divided into 327,272,727 bearer shares of no par value. There is only one class of shares.
2. There is a consortium agreement in place between the two core shareholders, Österreichische Beteiligungs AG (ÖBAG) and Mubadala Petroleum and Petrochemicals Holding Company L.L.C (MPPH), which provides for coordinated behavior and certain limitations on transfers of shareholdings.
3. ÖBAG holds 31.5% and MPPH holds 24.9% of the capital stock.
4. All shares have the same control rights.
5. Employees who are shareholders directly exercise their voting rights at the Annual General Meeting.
6. The Company’s Executive Board must consist of two to six members. The Company’s Supervisory Board must consist of at least six members elected by the Annual General Meeting and of the members nominated under section 110 (1) of the Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz (Austrian Labor Constitution Act). Resolutions concerning the dismissal of members of the Supervisory Board pursuant to section 87 (8) of the Aktiengesetz (Austrian Stock Corporation Act) require a simple majority of the votes cast. To approve capital increases pursuant to section 149 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act and alterations of the Articles of Association (except those concerning the Company’s objects), simple majorities of the votes and capital represented in adopting the resolution are sufficient.
7.a) As the authorized capital granted by the Annual General Meeting on May 14, 2014 expired on May 14, 2019, the Annual General Meeting decided upon a new authorized capital on September 29, 2020. Specifically, it authorized the Executive Board until September 29, 2025 to increase the share capital of OMV with the consent of the Supervisory Board – at once or in several tranches – by an amount of up to EUR 32,727,272 by issuing up to 32,727,272 new no-par value common voting shares in bearer form in return for contributions in cash. The capital increase can also be implemented by way of indirect offer for subscription after taking over by one or several credit institutions according to Section 153 Paragraph 6 Austrian Stock Corporation Act. The issue price and the conditions of issuance can be determined by the Executive Board with the consent of the Supervisory Board. The Annual General Meeting also authorized the Executive Board, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, to exclude the subscription right of the shareholders if the capital increase serves to
- adjust fractional amounts or
- satisfy stock transfer programs, in particular long term incentive plans, equity deferrals or other participation programs for employees, senior employees and members of the Executive Board/management boards of the Company or one of its affiliates), or other employees’ stock ownership plans.
In addition, the Supervisory Board was authorized to adopt amendments to the Articles of Association resulting from the issuance of shares according to the authorized capital.
7.b) On May 18, 2016, the Annual General Meeting authorized the Executive Board for a period of five years from the adoption of the resolution, therefore, until including) May 17, 2021, upon approval of the Supervisory Board, to dispose of or utilize stock repurchased or already held by the Company to grant treasury shares to employees, senior employees and/or members of the Executive Board/management boards of the Company or one of its affiliates, including for purposes of share transfer programs – in particular, long-term incentive plans including matching share plans or other stock ownership plans – under exclusion of the general purchasing possibility of shareholders (exclusion of subscription rights). The authorization can be exercised as a whole or in parts or even in several tranches by the Company, by a subsidiary (section 189a, number 7, of the Austrian Commercial Code) or by third parties for the account of the Company.
7.c) On May 14, 2019 the Annual General Meeting authorized the Executive Board to repurchase bearer shares of no par value of the Company up to a maximum of 5% of the Company’s nominal capital in accordance with section 65 (1) (8) Austrian Stock Corporation Act, over a period of 15 months from the date of adoption of the resolution by the General Meeting, for a minimum consideration per share being at the utmost 30% lower than the average, unweighted stock exchange closing price over the preceding ten trading days and a maximum consideration per share being at the utmost 20% higher than the average, unweighted stock exchange closing price over the preceding ten trading days, whereby any repurchases have to be exercised in such a way that the Company does not hold more than 1,300,000 treasury shares at any time. Such repurchases may take place via the stock exchange or a public offering or by other legal means and for the purpose of share transfer programs, in particular Long Term Incentive Plans including Matching Share Plans, Equity Deferrals or other stock ownership plans. The Executive Board was further authorized to cancel stock repurchased or already held by the Company without further resolution of the Annual General Meeting and the Supervisory Board was authorized to adopt amendments to the Articles of Association resulting from the cancellation of shares. The authorization can be exercised as a whole or in parts and also in several tranches by the Company, by a subsidiary (Section 189a Number 7 Commercial Code) or by third parties for the account of the Company and shall be exercised always in such a manner that it is to the benefit and in the best interest of the Company.
8. OMV has issued perpetual hybrid notes in the amount of EUR 3,250 mn which are subordinated to all other creditors. According to IFRS, the net proceeds of the hybrid notes in the amount of EUR 3,228 mn are fully treated as equity because the repayment of the principal and the payments of interest are solely at the discretion of OMV.
On December 7, 2015, OMV issued hybrid notes with an aggregate principal amount of EUR 1,500 mn, in two tranches of EUR 750 mn each with the following interest payable:
- The hybrid notes of tranche 1 bear a fixed interest rate of 5.250% per annum until, but excluding, December 9, 2021, which is the first call date of tranche 1. From December 9, 2021 (including), until, but excluding, December 9, 2025, the hybrid notes of tranche 1 will bear interest per annum according to a reset interest rate to be determined according to the relevant five-year swap rate plus a specified margin. From December 9, 2025 (including), the notes will bear an interest rate per annum at the relevant five-year swap rate for the relevant interest period plus a specified margin and a step-up of 100 basis points.
- The hybrid notes of tranche 2 bear a fixed interest rate of 6.250% per annum until, but excluding, December 9, 2025, which is the first call date of tranche 2. From December 9, 2025 (including), tranche 2 will bear an interest rate per annum at the relevant five-year swap rate for the relevant interest period plus a specified margin and a step-up of 100 basis points.
Interest is due and payable annually in arrears on December 9 of each year, unless OMV elects to defer the relevant interest payments. The outstanding deferred interest must be paid under certain circumstances, in particular, if the Annual General Meeting of OMV resolves upon a dividend payment on OMV shares.
On June 19, 2018 OMV issued a hybrid bond with a principal amount of EUR 500 mn. The hybrid bond bears a fixed interest rate of 2.875% per annum until, but excluding, June 19, 2024. From June 19, 2024 (including), until, but excluding, June 19, 2028 the hybrid notes will bear interest at a rate corresponding to the relevant five-year swap rate plus a specified margin. From June 19, 2028 (including), the notes will bear an interest rate per annum at the relevant five-year swap rate for the relevant interest period plus a specified margin and a step-up of 100 basis points. Interest is due and payable annually in arrears on June 19 of each year, unless OMV elects to defer the relevant interest payments. The outstanding deferred interest must be paid under certain circumstances, in particular, if the Annual General Meeting of OMV resolves upon a dividend payment on OMV shares.
On September 1, 2020, OMV issued hybrid notes with an aggregate principal amount of EUR 1,250 mn, in two tranches (Tranche 1: EUR 750 mn; Tranche 2: EUR 500 mn) with the following interest payable:
- The hybrid notes of tranche 1 bear a fixed interest rate of 2.500% per annum until, but excluding September 1, 2026, which is the first reset date of tranche 1. From the first reset date (including), until, but excluding, September 1, 2030, the hybrid notes of tranche 1 will bear interest per annum at a reset interest rate which is determined according to the relevant five-year swap rate plus a specified margin. From September 1, 2030 (including), the notes will bear an interest rate per annum at the relevant five-year swap rate for each interest period thereafter plus a specified margin and a step-up of 100 basis points.
- The hybrid notes of tranche 2 bear a fixed interest rate of 2.875% per annum until, but excluding September 1, 2029, which is the first reset date of tranche 2. From the first reset date (including), until, but excluding, September 1, 2030, the hybrid notes of tranche 2 will bear interest per annum at a reset interest rate which is determined according to the relevant five-year swap rate plus a specified margin. From September 1, 2030 (including), the notes will bear an interest rate per annum at the relevant five-year swap rate for each interest period thereafter plus a specified margin and a step-up of 100 basis points.
Interest is due and payable annually in arrears on September 1 of each year, unless OMV elects to defer the relevant interest payments. The outstanding deferred interest must be paid under certain circumstances, in particular, if the Annual General Meeting of OMV resolves upon a dividend payment on OMV shares.
The hybrid notes outstanding as of December 31, 2020 do not have a scheduled maturity date and they may be redeemed at the option of OMV under certain circumstances. OMV has, in particular, the right to repay the hybrid notes at certain call dates. Any accrued unpaid interest becomes payable when the notes are redeemed. In the case of a change of control, for example, OMV may call the hybrid notes for re-demption or else the applicable interest rate will be subject to an increase according to the terms and conditions of the hybrid notes.
9. The material financing agreements to which OMV is a party and bonds issued by OMV contain typical change of control clauses.
10. There are no agreements between the Company and members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board or employees regarding the payment of compensation in the event of a public takeover bid.
11. The most important elements of the internal control and risk management system regarding the accounting process are the following: Governance for the internal control system is defined by internal corporate regulations (ICS Directive and its Annexes). Corporate Internal Audit controls the compliance with these principles and requirements through regular audits, based on the annual audit plan approved by the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board, or through ad hoc audits. The results of those audits are presented to the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board. For the main “end-to-end” processes (e.g. purchase-to-pay, order-to-cash), Group-wide Minimum Control Requirements are defined. Based on a defined time plan, the implementation and the effectiveness are being monitored. The establishment of Group-wide standards for the preparation of annual and interim financial statements by means of the corporate IFRS Accounting Manual is also regulated by an internal corporate regulation. The Group uses a comprehensive risk management system. The essential processes of the financial reporting system have been identified and analyzed. In addition, the effectiveness of the risk management system is regularly evaluated by external auditors. The results of the evaluation are reported to the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board.
12. In accordance with section 267a (6) of the Commercial Code, a separate consolidated non-financial report will be issued.
Subsequent events
Please refer to Note 37 in the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Vienna, March 10, 2021
The Executive Board
Rainer Seele m.p.
Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief Executive Officer
Johann Pleininger m.p.
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Chief Upstream Operations Officer
Reinhard Florey m.p.
Chief Financial Officer
Thomas Gangl m.p.
Chief Downstream Operations Officer
Elena Skvortsova m.p.
Chief Commercial Officer