Economic Impacts and Business Principles

Material Topic: Economic Impacts and Business Principles

Creation of direct and indirect economic value through OMV business activities, as well as compliance with anti-corruption and other legal requirements

Key GRIs

  • 201: Economic Performance 2016
  • GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016
  • GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016
  • 415: Public Policy 2016
  • GRI 419: Socioeconomic Compliance 2016


  • Corruption prevention

Most relevant SDG

OMV is defined by the way our people behave. Conducting business sustainably and ethically is crucial for OMV in creating and protecting value in the long term, in building trusting partnerships, and in attracting customers and the best suppliers, investors, and employees. We strive to comply with the most stringent legal requirements in areas such as anti-corruption and tax law, and to be transparent and implement sound corporate governance to ensure ethical behavior. The principles of corporate governance are a key element for the sustainable growth of the business, for enhancing long-term value for shareholders, and for strengthening stakeholder confidence.1 Read more in our separate Corporate Governance Report

OMV’s Code of Conduct and Code of Business Ethics publicly lay out our commitments to responsible and ethical business conduct. OMV’s Code of Business Ethics sets out a zero-tolerance policy on bribery, fraud, theft, and other forms of corruption, as well as money laundering, and prohibits any support of political parties or donations to them. This Code applies to all employees. It is designed to comply with the standards set by both national and international anti-corruption legislation (mainly the  Anti-Bribery Convention and the  Bribery Act). OMV is a signatory to the  Global Compact and adheres to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. These Guidelines reflect the government expectations of responsible conduct by businesses. They cover all key areas of business responsibility, including bribery, competition, and taxation. OMV has also published a separate Tax Policy.


Ultimate responsibility for ensuring the ethical conduct of OMV while generating economic value lies with the Executive and Supervisory Boards. Responsibility for economic impacts and business principles is not centralized in one department, but rather distributed across various departments. For instance, the OMV Compliance Management System is implemented Group-wide through collaboration between central management units and local compliance officers in all countries in which OMV operates.

The Group’s approach to tax and the risks related to it are monitored by the tax function (as part of Group Finance) and overseen by the CFO and the Supervisory Board. Tax compliance is generally dealt with by finance managers, and at legal entity level by local tax managers, shared service centers, or external tax advisors. OMV’s Tax Compliance functions and departments report to OMV’s CFO.

The Public Affairs and International Relations team is the OMV Group’s interface with the relevant political and public administration decision-makers. It informs stakeholders in Austria as well as at  and international level about OMV’s business, so that they understand how the oil, gas, and chemical industry works, the challenges it faces today, and the contribution it will make in the future. Relationships with stakeholders are sustainable and based on transparency and mutual trust. Public Affairs and International Relations reports to OMV’s CEO.

The Company’s management is committed to establishing and maintaining an ethical standard of trust and integrity in our day-to-day business. Our senior management signs a Compliance Declaration to confirm that their conduct is in line with the Code of Business Ethics. New members of senior management also receive personal onboarding conducted by Compliance to introduce OMV’s integrity standards. In addition, once a year, all managers and employees in particularly exposed positions must sign a conflict of interest and business ethics conformity declaration.

Each member of the Executive board (EB) and the Supervisory Board (SB) is personally trained by Compliance in all relevant compliance areas. In addition, there are regular Jour fixes and ad hoc meetings with the entire EB and with each individual member of the EB, regular Audit Committee meetings with the SB, and Jour fixes with the chairman of the SB, where compliance-related matters are reported and discussed.

1 Read more in our separate Corporate Governance Report

Global Reporting Initiative
Global Reporting Initiative
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
United Kingdom
United Nations
European Union