Key Figures Comparison Bar chartLine chartTable viewSwap key figures/periodSwitch to indexed viewSwitch to standard viewSelect key figuresKey financialsSales revenues*Clean CCS Operating Result*Clean CCS net income*Clean CCS net income attributable to stockholders of the parent*Capital expenditure Organic capital expenditure*Clean CCS ROACE*add alldelete allEmployee dataEmployees as of December 31Lost-Time Injury Rate (LTIR)add alldelete allCash flowCash flow from operating activities Free cash flow Free cash flow after dividends add alldelete allBalance sheetBalance sheet total Net debt Equity ratioGearing ratioadd alldelete allKey share figuresClean CCS EPS*Earnings Per Share (EPS)Cash flow per share*Dividend Per Share (DPS)*Dividend yield*Total Shareholder Return (TSR)*add alldelete allUpstreamProductionProduction cost*add alldelete allDownstreamTotal refined product salesNatural gas sales volumesadd alldelete allSelect years20152016201720182019add alldelete allPNGXLSPRINTCreated with Highcharts 7.1.1in EUR mn (bar)in % (line)Key financialsSales revenues*Clean CCS Operating Result*Clean CCS net income*Capital expenditureClean CCS ROACE*20152016201720182019010,00020,00030,000691215Show full screen